There are a lot of beautiful, interactive and dynamic Mobile apps that one can see in the markets today. Spread across a wide range of devices as well. Users love it when they can use an app and it provides flawless transitions and easy use. They are even ready to spend a good amount of money if the app is worth it and does what it claims to day (and more). But the process from conception to the idea of the app to the actual distribution and deployment isn't one that's smooth and fluid.
The app has to go through so many modifications and changes that can be anything from replacing the font style with something else or plain creating a newer sub-module. The volatile nature of the mobile app market plus the ever changing project specifications lead to the need to be extra sure about the quality of the app itself. Because no matter how good it looks and feels, users will not tolerate app crashes and freezes and weird behavior.
This is where app testing comes in. Depending upon the software development methodology that you've chosen to create the app, you can decide when and how to test the app. It can't be emphasized enough that testing is an aspect that iPhone Application Development India professionals can't go easy on.
Some app development techniques require that you conduct frequent and rigorous testing to avoid further problems that could come up at a later stage in the project, at which time many more modules can be affected thereby causing you loss of money and time. And some people prefer to conduct in-depth testing (mostly) after app coding has been completed. No matter what your preferred methodology is, iPhone Application Development India professionals should counter this issue with extreme caution and care, as it's not an easy task.
Especially since the mobile platform is one of extreme fragmentation; be it a variety of devices that need to be tested on, plus the varied operating systems that need to be checked and tested on, makes it a huge/resource consuming task. iPhone Application Development India's best bet is to hire someone or train an employee from their internal task-force that can test and report on it efficiently and effectively.
And remember, no matter how good it looks an feels on a simulator, it can so happen that when you deploy it on the actual device, problems may occur. Don't let slide an opportunity to physically test on all the devices that you offer support on. And keep making logs of the problems that you faced.